
Prior to becoming Formula One Lodge, we were known as Jeanne d’Arc Lodge 4168. However, the Lodge would never have existed if had not been for the original Jeanne d’Arc Lodge No. 5 of France. No. 5 came into being through the activities and stewardship of a number of Freemasons who were serving with the British Military Forces stationed in the Rouen area during the 1914-1918 war. They wished to form a Lodge in that city and the name was aptly chosen as there are many historical associations with Rouen and British history. No. 5 France was consecrated on the 16th December 1916.

In early 1920, several founders of No. 5 France realised they were going to be demobilised from France, so on their return petitioned for a new Lodge to be formed in England. The consecration of Jeanne d’Arc Lodge 4168 took place on the 16th December 1920, which was on the 4th anniversary of No. 5 France.

Jeanne d’Arc supported the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn’s appeal for erecting a new Masonic Peace Memorial and this in turn qualified it to become a Hall Stone Lodge.

Unfortunately due to falling membership and the failure to attract suitable candidates Jeanne d’Arc Lodge decided they would surrender their warrant shortly after reaching their Centenary in 2020. At around the same time a group of F1 and motorsports enthusiasts was looking to form a new special interest Lodge. Expressions of interest in this special interest Lodge grew rapidly and after initial discussions, Jeanne d’Arc Lodge was approached and started its association with this enthusiastic group of motorsport fans.

The brethren of Jeanne d’Arc granted its consent for the Lodge to be ‘Overtaken’ and repurposed as Formula One Lodge 4168. The ‘Overtake’ had a few challenges, the biggest of which was the COVID-19 pandemic, however, the vibrant energy and harmony of the brethren was remarkable. Formula One Lodge allows brethren to share their passion of F1 and practice their Freemasonry together, whilst maintaining the principles and creating new traditions of the Lodge. 4168 celebrated its Centenary on the 16th December 2020 and was formally celebrated in late 2022.

The full history of the Lodge was compiled into a book which was given to all members and visitors who attended the centenary meeting. A PDF version of this history is available to download here: From the Trenches to the Track. The History of Formula One Lodge 4168